Ko Pha Nagn and the Full Moon

After Ko Tao I headed over the Ko Pha Nagn, which is the backpackers island on the Gulf. The purpose of our visit was to go to the insane full moon party they have every month. Full moon is the biggest, craziest beach party you could ever imagine. There are a bunch of bars lining the beach that set up tables on the sand, everyone drinks out of buckets, there are firedancers, and loud music all the way until sunrise! We actually found the full moon to be a little busy and had a little more fun going out the night before hand, but definately an experience to be had! Jen and I stayed in a really cool beach bungalow with a really friendly crew who all had dinners together and partied together which was nice. The photos are from the resort we stayed in the first night on the island, a boat trip I took around the island, one from full moon, and one walking down to our bungalow.
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